Hog Roast Thetford

Hog Roast ThetfordFor the very best dining solutions to your event, Hog Roast Thetford is the only name you need today. Having worked in the industry ongoing three decades now, our experience and specialist craft can come together to create one of the most novel dining experiences in all of event catering. It doesn’t matter whether it is your wedding, a corporate event, or for your own private party in Thetford, Hog Roast Thetford will be there to serve!

Our signature dish and dining experience is the hog roast. It is a dining style so appropriately placed for the event catering world that we figured why not stick our entire name and brand behind it, too. It has all you need for your event: style, spectacle, quality in quantity, genuine uniqueness, and even a touch of tradition too to make it extra appropriate to the likes of Thetford and Norfolk at large. Ours is made in the authentic spit style. That means a whole pig is taken and placed atop a spit where it will slowly turn and roast for the better part of an afternoon. While it may sound like a needless extravagance, the spectacle of the cooking style is very much a worthy part of the whole experience, making it one of the more special assets you could add to your event. Plus, it also just tastes far better at the end of its roast than your typical oven roast! Its juicer, more tender, flavoursome, and has that perfect balance of crisp texturing from its many hours over the fire. Outside of Hog Roast Thetford, you won’t find any better roasts for your event!

Stylish Dining For Thetford

Hog Roast Thetford

This is the kind of dining that the term “event catering” was intended to mean. It is as much an event on its own as the rest of your put together occasion. Guests can enjoy the brilliant sight of our hog roast cooking while our servers also come around with freshly made canapes. You can enjoy a buffet with our hog roast as the main meat, or sit-down for a high-class set-menu of many differing quality options.

The way you dine is up to you. Hog Roast Thetford are just here to serve, and serve we will with the utmost style when you call to make your booking today!